Sunday, February 6, 2011

Turkish Coffee (ghaveh Turk)

Dear Rumi joon,
By now you know how addicted I am to coffee. 
In fact, you know my mood changes from 0-10 after I drink my 2 cups in the morning. Hey! Don't judge. It's high in antioxidants! :)
Yes I know this blog is about all things Persian. And, you are half Chilean. So why am I blogging about Turkish coffee?  Because it's delicious. Because when I was in Iran I loved having a mid-afternoon coffee drink with a fortune at the end. And, because it's one of the oldest ways to prepare coffee and you know how I love "old traditions."

Here are the steps to making Turkish coffee.

For an average vessel you see in the picture above you will need:
(2)Tbsp. turkish coffee (all it is is super fine ground coffee).  (2) Tbsp. sugar (i like sugar in the raw) and (3) cups (as in the espresso cups you see in the photo) of filtered water. 

Place it all in the vessel over medium high heat and gently stir every minute or so until a it lightly simmers.

And, once a thick crema forms on top, it's ready to serve!
Pour evenly, back and forth between the (2) cups and sip it with love. 
 When you get to the coffee grounds it's time to flip the cup onto the saucer and then holding the cup and saucer flip toward your body and make a wish.  After a couple minutes upside down, it's time to get someone to read your fortune. Yes, fortune! When reading someone else's fortune it's important you only read their GOOD fortune and NOT misfortune.  Yes, it may be all fun and games to you, but some people (like me) take it seriously!
Can you read my fortune?


  1. Delicious! I will be trying this as soon as I can buy sugar in the raw (can't be too hard to find here). I'm looking forward to reading my husband his fortune and hearing him read mine.

  2. *wink wink* I'm sure he'll read your fortune to his benefit. ;)


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